The Keto Lady Shrimp and Roasted Tomato

The Keto Lady Shrimp and Roasted Tomato

This was so easy and so delicious!! Iā€™d say this serves 1-2. Depends how hungry you are! You can always double or triple the recipe!


(1/2 cup) The Keto Lady Roasted Tomato and Garlic) search for recipe in my community

A Bag of Mircale Noodles - Washed and Dried well
10 Shrimp ( I used the already cooked)
Fresh Basil
Olive Oil ( I also used Clarifed Butter )
Sea Salt / Pepper
Fresh Grated Parmesan


Heat Skillet - Add in Olive Oil and Butter - Melt well.

Add in the Keto Lady Tomato and Garlic and heat till warm, throw in Noodles and Shrimp until heated add your Fresh Basil and Parmesan!!!

So delicious!


The Keto Lady Ranch Seasoning


The Keto Lady Ice Cream