The Keto Lady Mammy’s Meatball Casserole

Keto Mammys Meatball Casserole

This is a family favorite!!!

Recipe -

2 lb ground beef

3 cloves garlic, minced

1/4 c onion, diced

1 egg

1/2 c Parmesan grated

1 1/4 c mozzarella cheese shredded

1 t pink salt

1 t black pepper

3 T fresh parsley, chopped

1/2 t Italian seasoning

Mix well till blended. Using an ice cream scoop, make meatballs and place on parchment lined cookie sheet.

Bake at 400* 20-25 minutes

Prepare to make casserole:

* very lightly grease baking dish big enough to single layer your meatballs

* 3 c Raos sauce

* 1/2 c ricotta cheese

* 1 c shredded mozzarella

Fresh Basil

Place meatballs on bottom of baking dish. Add layer of Raos sauce, then dollop ricotta cheese and then top with mozzarella

Bake at 400* for approximately 20 minutes

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The Keto Lady Sausage Soup


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